Product 7: Neo Healar


General Information



Neo Healar is a cream that is used to treat hemorrhoids. It boasts of four herbal ingredients that have hemorrhoid healing properties, and these are lupines albus, vateria indica, mentha piperita, and aloe vera.

Lupinus albus is an essential oil that has been known to be more potent than both vitamins E and C. It helps in skin healing and recovery. On the other hand, vateria indica is a native plant from India that has been used to treat hemorrhoids because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Also known as peppermint, menthe piperita relieves pain and itching associated with hemorrhoids, while aloe vera promotes healing and decreases inflammation. The combination of these ingredients soothes the inflamed area and reduces swelling, thus providing relief from the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. 

Product Details

You can apply the herbal preparation in two ways, depending on your preferences. This is a good thing since it the user more options to apply Neo Healar. One is through ointment application, which comes in a 30g tube together with an applicator. This can treat both internal and external hemorrhoids. If you are more comfortable with suppositories, you can make use of them, too. However, suppositories are more effective against internal hemorrhoids rather than external ones.

What is great about this product is that there are no documented side effects because it is made of 100% herbal ingredients. You also have two choices with regard to how you want to apply it, and this is something that you do not usually get with other hemorrhoid treatments. Also, this is a cost-effective alternative to surgery.

If you are not satisfied with the product, you can still return it because it is covered with a 120-day money back guarantee. The sellers will give you a full refund of your money in case you are not happy with the results that you are getting.

On the downside, there is not much information about the company that manufactures this product. The only known thing about the company is that it is named, and that they are located in Houston, Texas. The common complaints about this product is that the delivery is very slow.  One user mentioned that it is shipped from Malaysia, which explains the long delivery time.  However, there is no mention of this on the website.

Some reported side effects of NeoHealar includes, infection of the genital area and a little irritation at first.  Consult your doctor if you have other skin problems like red spots or genital warts, before using this product.

Price : Neo Healar Ointment - $69.95 (more savings with multipacks)

  Neo Healar Suppositories - $49.95 (more savings with multipacks)
(  Get a set free if you buy 3 sets of Neo Healar Combo. You can also get a bonus Hemorrhoid remedy ebook.)
Money back guarantee: 120 days

Actual User Feedback

Feedback are collected from actual, independant users.


This is my second day using No Healar. Its seem work pretty good. my hemmorroid start to shrink, no more pain after few minute i applied to the area. I have external hemmorroid. this stuff really work. trust me.
Actual user feedback from Yahoo Answers

I have been using it, and in the beginning it used to help ease the pain, but lately my stubborn piles refuse to give me relieve through this product.
Actual user feedback from

I have internal hemorrhoids. I found an ointment that helps alot. It's called Neo healar, it's from another country. I ordered it on the web. It helps with the swelling and bleeding.
Actual user feedback from


I have internal hemorrhoids. I found an ointment that helps alot. It's called Neo healar, it's from another country. I ordered it on the web. It helps with the swelling and bleeding.
Actual user feedback from

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